Is Job Satisfaction On The Rise?

The answer is Yes!
According to a SHRM survey conducted last year.  
It found 88% of employees said they were satisfied overall with their job.  
hat do you think was the most important factor?
Feeling Appreciated!
Of course some of the top contributors included compensation, overall benefits, job security, opportunities to use their skills and abilities but feeling appreciated for their time and efforts was at the top of the list.
We all want to be appreciated.  We thrive in a workplace where we feel appreciated and we are recognized and rewarded for a job well done.

You can read the full SHRM findings here...
Every company makes an investment with each and every employee not only through payroll but also through the intangible investment of time, interviewing, hiring, education and traini.  Once those investments are made, that employee becomes an asset and even more valuable because of their education and experience.  With an improving economy, companies must find ways to differentiate themselves in the job market to retain those assets and what better way than to focus on what statistics say are most important: Recognize and Reward.
At Incentive Management Group, we specialize in consulting, designing, implementing and managing employee incentive programs that enhance the workplace through motivational and behavioral based incentives.
The IM Group can be your total solution for employee incentives offering 100% Return on Investment
with no up front costs, no set-up fees, no management fees, no platform fees and no contract.  Our programs are custom designed based on your goals, your employees and your budget.